Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Third (Fifth?) Customer!

Hooray! We now have our third customer! She's a mom we know from the Northside PTO. She seems really geeked about buying produce from us. I hope she likes it!

So now we have two neighbors, our new customer, who's a little farther away, and kind of Mom and Uncle Les from Chicago. At this point, we have four kinds of lettuce, some broccoli, some kohlrabi (was supposed to be broccoli!) some cabbage, some really happy tomato plants, some slightly less happy pepper plants, some cute and very happy little celery, a bit of onions, some squash, and a few other things. We're selling lettuce and some cole crops here and there - so far a bit of bok choi (was also supposed to be broccoli), one kohlrabi, and a smidge of broccoli.

An old picture of one of the raised beds. From top to bottom, that's garlic in the fence corner, some of our really nice buttercrunch lettuce, some red romaine leaf lettuce after that, then broccoli surrounded by more red romaine, some frilly romaine, and a bit of bok choi that's long gone. The picture is from May 22nd. It's all on a raised bed to keep things from drowning in this, our new record spring for rain.

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